Summer Registration & Enrollment




Weekly book character theme exploration through literature, fine arts, science, math, and recreation.

  • Daily Classes: 8:45 - 11:45 a.m.

  • Optional Stay & Play: 11:45am - 12:45p.m ($5 per day)

  • Weekly Book Character Theme Exploration through

  • Literature, Fine Arts, Science, Math, & Recreation

Summer Sessions

Daily Classes: 8:45am - 11:45am
Optional Stay & Play: 11:45am- 12:45pm ($5 per day)

June Session

June 19 -13

June 16 - 20

Total for June Session: ($250)

Optional VBS

VBS at St. Andrew: June 23-27

This optional add-on offered through St. Andrew Presbyterian church, Not TCP. Details to come.

Total for Optional VBS: $20

Registration/Supply Fee: $50 per session or $75 entire summer

July Session

June 30-July 3

July 7-11

July 14-18

July 21-25

Total for July Session: $425

The Details

  • Available for ages 1 - 2nd grade

  • Students must enroll for entire sessions or the entire summer, but we realize that not every student will be brought to school every day. Parents will communicate attendance with teachers. We will not offer 2 or 3 day attendance options.

  • Scholarships will be available.

  • We must have 20 students enroll or the program will not be viable.

  • We want summer to feel different than the rest of the school year, so teaching assignments and the way we move between rooms will be different. All students will most likely interact with all of the staff and will have a “homeroom” teacher, as well.

  • Depending on enrollment, age groups may be combined.

  • We will not be taking “new” 1-year-olds. Only the current 1's class is eligible.

  • Enrollment will open in early February and your registration fee will hold your spot for the summer.

  • Enrollment will open to current and former TCP families first. Any remaining spots will be opened later in February for new families.

  • There may be a couple of new faces on staff, but the majority of the TCP staff will be teaching this summer.

Enrollment Process

  • Enrollment for the 2025 summer session r will take place on the following days for the following groups and will continue throughout the year if space is available:

    • Wednesday, February 12, 2025:  Registration for current families, their siblings, and St. Andrew church members. Registration will be through the Brightwheel App.  

    • Thursday, February 13, 2025:  Registration begins for general public.  Please email us beginning at 8am or stop by the TCP office with a completed registration packet.  At that time, you can pay the registration fee to secure your child's spot.  

Classrooms at The Children's Place fall below state licensing ratios in order to keep our teacher-student ratio low and therefore most optimal for each child.  
The courtesy of a two week notice is requested if a student must withdraw from The Children's Place.  If a student must leave mid-month, no tuition will be refunded.