Welcome to

The Children’s Place

at St. Andrew

Play-based curriculum that enables growth and learning through developmentally appropriate practices.

The Children’s Place Preschool has been a mission of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church since 1995.  The goal of the school is to provide a safe and nurturing environment with focus on the whole child. 

​Areas of physical, cognitive, social and emotional development are recognized on an individual basis, and provisions for those needs are met through research-based activities in music, art, dramatic play, science discoveries, fine and gross motor security, and a genuine interest in each child.  As a child’s first teachers, parents’ values are considered when meeting the child’s needs, and parents are encouraged to be an active part of the school. 

The staff of theThe Children’s Place is composed of well-trained, dedicated, and caring individuals.  The staff of the preschool is required to obtain at least 24 hours of professional development each year.  This enables the staff to stay up-to-date on educational best-practices, to maintain professionalism in the field of preschool education, and to encourage excitement, creativity, and innovation. 

​The Children’s Place is a wonderful place for children, families, and teachers.  The church, staff, and Advisory Committee are committed to the students and families of the school and genuinely care about the children who are placed in our care.

TCP Spring Social is here!

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